🔗 A comparison between Linux and FreeBSD ps columns
Here’s a diff between which columns are supported in Linux and FreeBSD ps commands, with aliases cleaned up by hand. The lists were gathered from their respective manpages. This is based on ps from FreeBSD 11.0 and from Linux procps-ng 3.3.9.
--- freebsd-ps-columns.txt 2015-03-15 23:44:58.710635450 -0300 +++ linux-ps-columns.txt 2015-03-15 23:42:43.894637864 -0300 @@ -1,81 +1,84 @@ %cpu %mem -acflag args -class +c +cgroup comm command -cow -cpu -dsiz -emul +eip +esp etime etimes -fib +euser +fgid +fgroup flags +fname +fuid +fuser gid group -inblk -jid -jobc -ktrace +ipcns label -lim -lockname -logname lstart +lsession lwp +machine majflt minflt -msgrcv -msgsnd -mwchan +mntns +netns nice -nivcsw nlwp -nsigs -nswap -nvcsw nwchan -oublk -paddr +ouid pgid pid +pidns +policy ppid pri -re +psr rgid rgroup rss rtprio ruid ruser +sched +seat +sgi_p +sgroup sid sig sigcatch sigignore sigmask -sl -ssiz +size +slice +stackp start +stat state +supgid +supgrp +suser svgid svuid -systime -tdaddr -tdev +sz +thcount +tid time +tname tpgid -tsid -tsiz tt tty ucomm uid -upr -uprocp +unit user -usertime +userns +utsns +uunit vsz wchan -xstat
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