🔗 What every programmer should know about what every programmer should know
I won’t deny it. I came up with the title for this post before coming up with the actual content. It came to my head and it was just too good to pass, because it entices you to think about that subject. What does every programmer need to know, after all?
- What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
- What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory
- What every computer science major should know
- Two(!) entries about text encoding:
- What Every Programmer Needs To Know About Game Networking
- What every programmer should know about time (the blog post is simply called “Time”, but it was featured in Hacker News with the long title)
- What every programmer should know about names (actually titled “Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names” — this is about people’s names)
If you run into any other of those lists, let me know at h@ this website’s domain!
🔗 There are two very different things called “package managers”
Earlier today, Ludovic Courtès asked these questions on Mastodon:
Are npm/crates.io just a different approach to distributing software, compared to Linux distros?
Or is there something more fundamental about their approach, how it affects user/developer relations, and how if affects user autonomy?
My take on these questions is that to me there are two fundamental differences:
1) npm/crates.io/LuaRocks (language package managers) are package managers for programmers. They ship primarily modules/libraries; apt/rpm/etc (system package managers) are package managers for end-users. I don’t expect a non-programmer to ever use cargo but I expect a Ubuntu user to use apt (even if via a GUI).
2) language package managers cut the “middleman” and allow module/library devs to make them available to other devs right away, without someone like a Debian developer having to deem them relevant/ready enough for packaging.
The fact that there is no curation is a feature for language package managers, just like the fact that there is curation is a feature for system package managers.
The reason why system package managers are curated is for end-user protection. The reason why language package managers are not curated is to provide developer autonomy. There is a wide gradient between these two things.
If as a developer you put too many hurdles between me and the library I want to use in the name of “protecting” me, I’m gonna skip your package manager and just fetch my dependencies from the upstream source.
For end-users just trying to keep their browser up-to-date, I understand the story is completely different.
There are other practical reasons why developers use language-specific package managers, of course. One of them is dealing with dependency versioning. By having per-project trees (think of node_modules in npm), each project can define their own dependency versions, regardless of what is available system-wide (if it is available at all). This is something that happens in practice, but that is not necessarily a fundamental design difference between language and system manager. In our 2019 paper we discussed alternatives, but the approaches we suggested there are not the general state of the world today.
An aside: when talking about projects adopting or not certain package managers, one needs to keep an eye for the motivations. I’ve seen questionable arguments from companies keeping packages away from community repos (for example, to retain control over download metrics). But in my experience, I’ve only ever seen this happening to system package managers, but never to language package managers, which just seem to reiterate how different these two universes are.
In an ideal world, system package managers and language package managers would be able to cross-reference each other to avoid the duplication of packaging work we see everywhere. This is something we talked about in the paper linked above. In fact, I’ve been trying to preach the gospel of cross-language links across ecosystems since at least… *checks git, or rather, cvs history*… 2003.
I’m as sympathetic to the ideal as they come, but the reality is that we need to deal with these two universes for now (…for a significant definition of “now”).
Amidst the lively debate in Mastodon, my friend Julio brought up the elephant in the room:
(puts Diogenes beard):
…to which I can only nod my head in agreement and say: the success of Docker is the developer world’s tacit acknowledgement that package management has failed.
(For anyone else reading this tongue-in-cheek comment without further context: I have authored two package managers, both in the language side and distro side of the game. If that remark feels excessive, just s/has failed/is hard/, but my point still stands.)
Don’t get me wrong, package management has evolved greatly over the years, but as a community we’re still understanding it. There are two very different things that are both called package managers, and they serve different purposes. Another world is possible, but it will take a lot of gradual change, and “if only everyone would adopt my package manager where everything works” is not a solution (that applies to people living inside the bubble of their own language ecosystem as well!). Age has turned me from a revolutionary into a reformist.
🔗 Last day at Kong
Today is my last day at Kong!
Posts like this tend to be cliché, with the usual adjectives and thank-yous. I’ve already thanked many people in person (err, Zoom!) already, so I thought I’d take this opportunity instead to celebrate all we’ve achieved together.
I feel very proud to have had the chance to work on an open-source project of this scale. The stories we’ve heard through the years really bring home the positive impact these lines of code we wrote together have had on literally billions of people.

So I look back at those commit graphs, and they tell the story not only of lines of code, but of all of the teamwork that went into getting them out there.
I look at these graphs and I see the earliest days in 2017 joining our newly-formed Core Team fronted by Thibault Charbonnier, taking over from the two-man-show that was him and Marco Palladino (who’s still ahead of me in the contributions ranking! — though I’m happy we’re both now overtaken by Aapo Talvensaari!). I see Kong going 1.0, then me taking the mantle as the team’s tech lead driving Kong to 2.0 and beyond, doing whatever was needed to try and help the project forward (even PM at times!). I see my 2021 sabbatical and I see Guanlan Dai bringing me back to take on a new project.

I look at these graphs and I see myself once again working alongside Thibault, this time in the WasmX team, helping him and Caio Casimiro make WebAssembly support in Kong a reality. Finally, I see the time I’ve put in design (which does not show in the commit graphs!) and implementation (which does!) for my final project at the company, DataKit, which is just coming out now. In short, I look at these graphs and I see Kong’s past, present and future!

Commits and lines of code barely begin to tell the story, though. In one of my very earliest days, my first manager at the company, Geoff Townsend, asked me what was my main motivation driver: the “what”, the “why”, the “how” or the “who”. I’m always amused when I remember his surprised reaction when I immediately said: the “who”. I’m a team player first and foremost, and there’s no way I could properly give shout-outs to everyone, but there’s been great people around me every step of the way, from the very first incarnation of the Core Team led by Geoff (Thibault, Aapo, Enrique García Cota, Thijs Schreijer) to the most recent incarnation of the WasmX team led by Robert Serafini (Thibault, Caio + Michael Martin, Vinicius Mignot, Brent Yarger). By shouting out my first and last engineering teams, I hope they represent all Kongers past and present who I’ve ever crossed paths with, and through them I thank you all!
Since I ended up doing thank-yous, I guess I’ll have to do the adjectives too! Kong was a fun, challenging and fulfilling adventure, and I leave feeling accomplished. A new challenge awaits me, so in the wise words of Dave Grohl, “done! and on to the next one!” 🤘
🔗 How to change the nmtui background color
I had to clone the NetworkManager repo and grep my way through the source code to figure out how to do it, but here’s how to change the background color of nmtui from the default pink to a more subdued blue background:
NEWT_COLORS=’window=blue’ nmtui
As usual, add a line like `export NEWT_COLORS=’window=blue’` to your `~/.profile` file to make this setting automatic in future terminal sessions.
Apparently you can set lots of color settings with that variable
🔗 That time I almost added Tetris to htop
Confession time: once I *almost* added a terminal version of Tetris as an Easter egg in htop.
I managed to implement a real crude but working version of it code golfing to make it as short as possible and got it pretty tiny, then added it to the help screen so it would activate by typing h, t, o, p (since h would take you to the help screen and the other keys would be nops in that screen).
Then there’s the question of how to hide an Easter egg in a FOSS codebase… The best I could think of was to make it into a long one-liner starting at column 200 so that most people looking at the code without word-wrapping editors would miss it. But after everything was coded, I decided that trying to “sneak code in”, even in my own codebase, was a bad practice and the good intention of innocent fun wasn’t worth it.
My fascination with Tetris goes way back. I first implemented it when I was in high school, and it getting it done really gave me pause: that was a real program, something that people paid real money for in Nintendo cartridges. It was the first time I thought I could really call myself a programmer for real. At the same time, it was my first contact with the ethics of software. I had never heard of FOSS then, and yet I asked myself: “what if my friends ask for the source code? what should I do?”
Years later, when we did the first CD version for our GoboLinux distro, I took an existing ncurses version of Tetris and hacked it into our installer, adding a progress bar that showed the status of files copying from CD to disk, while the user played the game (distro installers took forever back then!). Everyone loved it–except for the fact that it was supposed to auto-quit when the installation was finished but we changed the list of packages last minute so it got the count wrong.
A lot of people just kept playing for a long time without realizing the installation was done! (But it wasn’t too bad, they could just press Esc or something to quit and finish the install.)
Our early Gobo releases were full of little fun tweaks like that. In one release we included an emulator and legend has it that some hidden folder contains a ROM (not Tetris!), but not even I remember where that is, and that ISO probably isn’t even online anymore. (We really should have preserved our old stuff better!)
The memory of the Tetris installer in Gobo having a last-minute bug was another thing that dispelled me from the idea of the Tetris Easter egg in htop: while having bugs is just normal, I couldn’t bear the thought of htop having some serious bug caused by code added for silly reasons…
htop has its fair share of “unnecessary code”, such as the “big-digit LCD” meter and the themes, which are more artsy than utilitarian and I stand by them. If anything, I think software in general should be more artsy.
But “hidden Tetris in htop causes buffer overflow” would be terrible PR for the project (and my reputation by extension, I guess). That along with the bad taste in the mouth of the idea of hiding code in FOSS left made me drop the Easter egg idea.
I wish I still had that code, though! If only to keep it to myself as an autobiographical side-note.
Come to think of it, after writing all of this I realize I probably _should_ have included that code… as a comment!! Maybe that’s the way to do Easter eggs in FOSS? Add a fun/silly feature but leave it commented out, so that someone tinkering with the code finds it, enables it and has fun with it for a bit. I know that *I* would have enjoyed finding something like that in a codebase.
Oh well, maybe someday I’ll pull this off in some project.
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Last 10 entries
- Frustrating Software
- What every programmer should know about what every programmer should know
- A degradação da web em tempos de IA não é acidental
- There are two very different things called "package managers"
- Last day at Kong
- A Special Hand
- How to change the nmtui background color
- Receita de Best Pancakes
- That time I almost added Tetris to htop
- Receita de Orange Chicken