🔗 String interpolation in Lua
Lua is known for having a very lean standard library, and for providing mechanisms to do things instead of a ton of features.
String interpolation isn’t available out of the box, but doing it in Lua isn’t a new trick. In fact, the manual includes it as an example of string.gsub:
local t = {name="lua", version="5.3"} x = string.gsub("$name-$version.tar.gz", "%$(%w+)", t) --> x="lua-5.3.tar.gz"
This applies to members of a table only, though. Python is introducing a general string-interpolation syntax:
a = "Hello" b = "World" f"{a} {b}" f"{a + ' ' + b}"
Given that Lua supports the f"str"
syntax for functions with a single string argument, I thought it would be nice to put its Lua-provides-the-mechanisms ethos to test by trying to write my own Python-like f
-string formatter.
And here it is, in all its 28-line glory (and I went for readability, and not to write it as short as possible):
function f(str) local outer_env = _ENV return (str:gsub("%b{}", function(block) local code = block:match("{(.*)}") local exp_env = {} setmetatable(exp_env, { __index = function(_, k) local stack_level = 5 while debug.getinfo(stack_level, "") ~= nil do local i = 1 repeat local name, value = debug.getlocal(stack_level, i) if name == k then return value end i = i + 1 until name == nil stack_level = stack_level + 1 end return rawget(outer_env, k) end }) local fn, err = load("return "..code, "expression `"..code.."`", "t", exp_env) if fn then return tostring(fn()) else error(err, 0) end end)) end
It works just like the Python example:
a = "Hello" b = "World" print(f"{a} {b}")
Unlike the one-liner from the Lua manual, it also works with local variables:
local c = "Hello" local d = "World" print(f"Also works with locals: {c} {d}") do local h = "Hello" do local w = "World" print(f"Of any scope level: {h} {w}") end end
Some more demos:
print(f"Allows arbitrary expressions: one plus one is {1 + 1}") local t = { foo = "bar" } print(f"And values: t.foo is {t.foo}; print function is {_G.print}") local ok, err = pcall(function() print(f"This fails: { 1 + } ") end) print("Errors display nicely: ", err)
If there’s interest, I can make this a module in LuaRocks (probably calling it .F
rather than f
Update! This is now available in LuaRocks as a module! Install it with:
luarocks install f-strings
More info at the f-strings GitHub page. Enjoy!
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