🔗 What’s faster? Lexing Teal with Lua 5.4 or LuaJIT, by hand or with lpeg
I ran a small experiment where I ported my handwritten lexer written in Teal (which translates to Lua) to lpeg, then ran the compiler on the largest Teal source I have (itself).
lexer time / total time LuaJIT+hw - 36 ms / 291 ms LuaJIT+lpeg - 40 ms / 325 ms Lua5.4+hw - 105 ms / 338 ms Lua5.4+lpeg - 66 ms / 285 ms
These are average times from multiple runs of tl check tl.tl, done with hyperfine.
The “lexer time” was done by adding an os.exit(0) call right after the lexer pass. The “total time” is the full run, which includes additional lexer passes on some tiny code snippets that are generated on the fly, so the change between the lpeg lexer and the handwritten lexer affects it a bit as well.
Looks like on LuaJIT my handwritten parser beats lpeg, but the rest of the compiler (lots of AST manipulation and recursive walks) seems to run faster on Lua 5.4.2 than it does on LuaJIT 2.1-git.
Then I decided to move the os.exit(0) further, to after the parser step but before the type checking and code generation steps. These are the results:
lexer+parser time LuaJIT+hw - 107 ms ± 20 ms LuaJIT+lpeg - 107 ms ± 21 ms Lua5.4+hw - 163 ms ± 3 ms Lua5.4+lpeg - 120 ms ± 2 ms
The Lua 5.4 numbers I got seem consistent with the lexer-only tests: the same 40 ms gain was observed when switching to lpeg, which tells me the parsing step is taking about 55 ms with the handwritten parser. With LuaJIT, the handwritten parser seems to take about 65 ms — what was interesting though was the variance reported by hyperfine: Lua 5.4 tests gave be a variation in the order of 2-3 ms, and LuaJIT was around 20 ms.
I re-ran the “total time” tests running the full tl check tl.tl to observe the variance, and it was again consistent, with LuaJIT’s performance jitter (no pun intended!) being 6-8x that of Lua 5.4:
total time LuaJIT+hw - 299 ms ± 25 ms LuaJIT+lpeg - 333 ms ± 31 ms Lua5.4+hw - 336 ms ± 4 ms Lua5.4+lpeg - 285 ms ± 4 ms
My conclusion from this experiment is that converting the Teal parser from the handwritten one into lpeg would probably increase performance in Lua 5.4 and decrease the performance variance in LuaJIT (with the bulk of that processing happening in the more performance-reliable lpeg VM — in fact, the variance numbers of the “lexer tests” in lpeg mode are consistent between LuaJIT and Lua 5.4). It’s unclear to me whether an lpeg-based parser will actually run faster or slower than the handwritten one under LuaJIT — possibly the gain or loss will be below the 8-9% margin of variance we observe in LuaJIT benchmarks, so it’s hard to pay much attention to any variability below that range.
Right now, performance of the Teal compiler is not an immediate concern, but I wanted to get a feel of what’s within close reach. The Lua 5.4 + lpeg combo looks promising and the LuaJIT pure-Lua performance is great as usual. For now I’ll keep using the handwritten lexer and parser, if only to avoid a C-based dependency in the core compiler — it’s nice to be able to take the generated tl.lua from the Github repo, drop it into any Lua project, call tl.loader() to register the package loader and get instant Teal support in your require() calls!
Update: Turns out a much faster alternative is to use LuaJIT with the JIT disabled! Here are some rough numbers:
JIT + lpeg: 327ms 5.4: 310ms JIT: 277ms 5.4 + lpeg: 274ms JIT w/ http://jit.off: 173ms JIT w/ http://jit.off + lpeg: 157ms
I have now implemented a function which disables the JIT on LuaJIT and temporarily disables garbage collection (which provides further speed ups) and merged it into Teal. The function was appropriately named:
🔗 Parsing and preserving Teal comments
The Teal compiler currently discards comments when parsing, and it constructs an abstract syntax tree (AST) which it then traverses to generate output Lua code. This is fine for running the code, but it would be useful to have the comments around for other purposes. Two things come to mind:
- JavaDoc/Doxygen/LDoc/(TealDoc?) style documentation generated from comments
- a code formatter that preserves comments
Today I spent some time playing with the lexer and parser and AST, looking into preserving comments from the input, with these two goals in mind.
The compiler does separate lexer and parser steps, both handwritten, and the comments were discarded at the lexer stage. That bit was easy. As I consumed each comment, I stored it as a metadata item to the following token (what if there’s no following token? I’m currently dropping the final comment if it’s the last thing in the file, but that would be trivial to fix).
The hard part of dealing with comments is what to do with them when parsing: the parser stage reads tokens and builds the AST. The question then becomes, to which nodes attach each comment as metadata. This is way trickier than it looks, because comments can appear everywhere:
--[[ comment! ]] if --[[ comment! ]] x --[[ comment! ]] < --[[ comment! ]] 2 --[[ comment! ]] then --[[ comment! ]] --[[ comment! ]] --[[ comment! ]] print --[[ comment! ]] ( --[[ comment! ]] x --[[ comment! ]] ) --[[ comment! ]] --[[ comment! ]] --[[ comment! ]] end --[[ comment! ]]
After playing a bit with a bunch of heuristics to determine to which AST nodes I should be attaching comments in attempts to preserving them all, I came to the conclusion that this is not the way to go.
The point of the abstract syntax tree is to abstract away the syntax, meaning that all those purely syntactical items such as then and end are discarded. So storing information such as “there’s a –[[ comment! ]] right before “then” and then another one right after, and then another in the following line—no, in fact two of them!—before the next statement” are pretty much antithetical to the concept of an AST.
However, there are comments for which there is an easy match as to which AST node they should attach. And fortunately, those are sufficient for the “TealDoc” documentation generation: it’s easy to catch the comment that appears immediately before a statement node and attach to it. This way, we get pretty much the whole relevant ground covered: type definitions, function declarations, variable declarations. Then, to build a “TealDoc” tool, it would be a matter of traversing the AST and then writing a small separate parser to read the contents of the documentation comments (e.g. reading `@param` tags and the like). I chose to attach comments to statements and fields in data structures, and to stop there. Especially for a handwritten parser, adding comment handling code can add to the noise quickly.
As for the second use-case, a formatter/beautifier, I don’t think that going through the route of the AST is the right way to go. A formatter tool could share the compiler’s lexer, which does read and collect all tokens and comments, but then it should operate purely in the syntactic domain, without abstracting anything. I wrote a basic “token dumper” in the early days of Teal that did some of this work, but it hasn’t been maintained — as the language got more complex, it now needs some more context in order to do its work properly, so I’m guessing it needs a state machine and/or more lookahead. But with the comments preserved by the lexer, it should be possible to extend it into a proper formatter.
The code is in the preserve-comments branch. So, I think with these two additions (comments fully stored by the lexer, and comments partially attached to the AST by the parser), I think we have everything we need to serve as a good base for future documentation and formatter tooling. Any takers on these projects?
🔗 Dynamic type systems aren’t even simpler
Alexis King just published a great blog post titled “No, dynamic type systems are not inherently more open”.
That reminded me of the talk I gave last year at FOSDEM, titled “Minimalism versus types”, where I advocated for static types from a slightly different angle. I tried to convince people that types in dynamically-typed programs are often more complicated than people realize. And often more complicated than in typical statically-typed languages.
People often say the opposite, that static type systems are more complicated, and dynamically-typed languages are simpler. At the surface level, this seems true: in a dynamic world you just go merrily declaring variables, assigning values and doing things with them, without ever having to write down any types, no matter how trivial or complex they are. Things can’t get any simpler in the typing department than “doing nothing”, right?
Well, types are nothing more than the shapes and allowed behaviors of your data. So it’s not like you don’t have shapes and behaviors in any program, regardless of the language… so, you have types, whether you write them or not. They are there, even in assembly language, even if at a conceptual level, as the sets of “valid values” your program can manipulate. And you have to think about them, and they have to make sense, and they have to do the right thing. So, in short, in a correct dynamically-typed program the types need to be just as correct as they are in a statically-typed one (or else you’ll get runtime errors).
In other words, the types are there, but you have to run the type checker in your head. And you know what’s funny? When people don’t write down the types, they often end up with types that are often more complicated than the types from people who do write them. The complexity just goes under the radar, so it piles up.
One day you open that module which you haven’t touched in six months, and you see a function call where the third argument is null. You need to remember what kinds of variables you can pass to that third argument, or read the whole source code to figure it out. You follow through the code to see all places that third argument is used and realize the accepted type of the third argument depends on what you give to the second argument. Congratulations, you’re dealing with a dependent type, which means you’ve just surpassed Haskell in terms of type system complexity. Compilers that deal with this kind of type system are so complex they are effectively proof assistants (and are at the forefront of programming language research), and here you are dealing with those data types with your brain (and your faith in your ability to come up with sufficient tests) alone.
Given that there is no mechanical type checker to prescribe what is expressible, and that the dynamic runtime will accept anything as long as the program doesn’t crash, when doing typechecking in your head you essentially have the world’s most powerful and complicated type checker at your disposal. And once you start making use of this power, you end up dealing with the world’s most complicated type system.
And when you give people expressive power, they use it. In my experience, people go wild constructing complicated structures in dynamic languages that they normally wouldn’t in static languages. It’s not that static languages are less powerful (Turing equivalence, blah blah), but they make the things you’re doing more obvious to you (Alexis’s post has some great examples). In a dynamically-typed program people are all to keen to make variables and data structures perform double or triple duty (“this is a X but also a Y under circumstances Z”), but when they have to write down what they’re doing as types, it’s like a little conscience check, and they think twice before creating a more complex type for something that could be described in a simpler way (simple example: they’ll probably make two plain functions instead of making one function that takes a string argument that changes the behavior of other arguments). Static types nudge you towards simpler, less “clever” solutions (and we all know what kind of solution is more maintainable in the long run).
But okay, let’s assume we avoid “clever” and pick the same solutions in either. Writing the same program in a static or a dynamic language to process the same data in the same way, you will end up with values of roughly the same types in both. The fact that the variables have static types or not does not change that.
“But in a dynamic language I don’t have to write the types! It’s less work!”
“Not having to” write types but having to think about them anyway is like doing math “not having to” write anything down and doing all calculations in your head. How is it an advantage to not use pen and paper to track down your train of thought as you do a complex calculation, and instead be restricted to do it only in your head? And how is an advantage to not have a mechanical tool — like a calculator, which can actually compute the things you wrote down — to check whether what you wrote with pen and paper makes sense?
I’m lazy, so I hate doing any math in my head. I’ll take writing things down and have a machine check it for me any day of the week. Why wouldn’t I want the same when programming? That’s what computers are for, right? To save us from computing things in our head. So I’ll write my types, and have the compiler check whether they make sense, thank you very much. It’s less work.
🔗 An annoying aspect of Lua’s if-based error checking
Lua does not have error checking/propagation primitives (like `?` or `!` operators in newer languages). The usual convention is to use plain old `if` statements:
local ok, err = do_something() if err then return nil, err end
So any call that propagates an error ends up at least 4 lines long. This has an impact on the programmer’s “threshold” for deciding that something is worth refactoring into a function as opposed to programming-by-copy-and-paste.
(An aside: I know that in recent years it has been trendy to defend copy-and-paste programming as a knee-jerk response against Architecture Astronauts who don’t know the difference between abstraction and indirection layers — maybe a topic for another blog post? — but, like the Astronauts who went too far in one direction by following a mantra without understanding the principles, the copy-pasters are now too far in the other direction, leading to lots of boilerplate code that looks like productivity but can pile up into a mess.)
So, today I had a bit of code that looked like this:
local gpg = cfg.variables.GPG local gpg_ok, err = fs.is_tool_available(gpg, "gpg") if not gpg_ok then return nil, err end
When I had to do the same thing in another function, the immediate reaction was to try to turn this into a nice five-line function and just `local gpg = get_gpg()` in both places. However, when we account to error checking, this would end up amounting to:
local function get_gpg() local gpg = cfg.variables.GPG local gpg_ok, err = fs.is_tool_available(gpg, "gpg") if not gpg_ok then return nil, err end return gpg end local function foo(...) local gpg, err = get_gpg() if not gpg then return nil, err end ... end local function bar(...) local gpg, err = get_gpg() if not gpg then return nil, err end ... end
where as the “copy-paste” version would look like:
local function foo(...) local gpg = cfg.variables.GPG local gpg_ok, err = fs.is_tool_available(gpg, "gpg") if not gpg_ok then return nil, err end ... end local function bar(...) local gpg = cfg.variables.GPG local gpg_ok, err = fs.is_tool_available(gpg, "gpg") if not gpg_ok then return nil, err end ... end
It is measurably less code. But it spreads the dependency on the external `cfg` and `fs` modules in two places, and adds two bits of code must remain in sync. So the shorter version is less maintainable, or in other words, more bug-prone in the long run.
It is unfortunate that overly verbose error handling drives the programmer towards the worse choice software-engineering-wise.
🔗 Lua string concatenation considered not harmful
A user in the Lua mailing list recently asked the following question:
yield( splits[i-1][1]..word[i+1]..word[i]..splits[i+2][2] )
I tried table.concat and string.format, but both perform worst. This was
counter-intuitive to me, because Lua string concat generates copies of
intermediate strings. However, seems that for short strings and small number
of concatenated strings, string __concat performs better than string.format
or table.concat. Does anyone know if my observation is true?
The “folk wisdom” about copies of intermediate strings in Lua is often mis-stated, I think.
("aa"):upper() .. ("bb"):upper() .. ("cc"):upper() .. ("dd"):upper()
It translates to a single concatenation bytecode in both Lua and LuaJIT, so it produces the following strings in memory over the course of its execution:
"aa" "bb" "cc" "dd" "AA" "BB" "CC" "DD" "AABBCCDD"
This, on the other hand, does generate intermediate strings:
local s = "" for _, w in ipairs({"aa", "bb", "cc", "dd"}) s = s .. w:upper() end
It produces
"" "aa" "bb" "cc" "dd" "AA" "BB" "CC" "DD" "AABB" "AABBCC" "AABBCCDD"
Notice the little pyramid at the end. This pattern is the one that people tell to avoid when they talk about “intermediate strings”. For a loop like that, one should do instead:
local t = {} for _, w in ipairs({"aa", "bb", "cc", "dd"}) table.insert(s, w:upper()) end local s = table.concat(t)
That will produce:
"aa" "bb" "cc" "dd" "AA" "BB" "CC" "DD" "AABBCCDD"
plus an extra table. Of course this is an oversimplified example for illustration purposes, but often the loop is long and the naive approach above can produce a huge pyramid of intermediate strings.
Over the years, the sensible advice was somehow distorted into some “all string concatenation is evil” cargo-cult, but that is not true, especially for short sequences of concatenations in an expression. Using a..b..c will usually be cheaper and produce less garbage than either string.format(”%s%s%s”, a, b, c) or table.concat({a, b, c}).
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