🔗 LuaRocks 3.0.0beta1
I am extremely happy to announce LuaRocks 3.0.0beta1, the almost-finished package for the new major release of LuaRocks, the Lua package manager.
First of all: “Why beta1?” — the code itself is release-candidate
quality, but I decided to call this one beta1 and not rc1 because the
Windows package is not ready yet, and I wanted to get some early
feedback on the Unix build while I complete the final touches of the
Windows package.This is NOT going to be a long-or-endless beta cycle: if no major
showstoppers are reported, the final 3.0.0 release, including Unix and
Windows packages, is expected to arrive in one week. But please, if
you want to help out with LuaRocks, give this beta1 a try and report
any findings!
Yes, it’s finally here! After a way-too-long gestation period, LuaRocks 3 is about ready to see the light of day. And it includes a lot of new stuff:
- New rockspec format
- New commands, including `luarocks init` for per-project workflows
- New flags, including `–lua-dir` and `–lua-version` for using
- multiple Lua installs with a single LuaRocks
- New build system, gearing towards a new distribution model
- General improvements, including namespaces
- User-visible changes, including some breaking changes
- Internal changes
All of the above are detailed here:
I’ll try to write up more documentation between now and the final release. Feedback is wanted regarding what needs to be documented/explained! And help updating the wiki is especially welcome.
And without further ado, the tarball for Unix is here:
This release contains new code by Thijs Schreijer, George Roman, Peter Melnichenko, Kim Alvefur, Alec Larson, Evgeny Shulgin, Michal Cichra, Daniel Hahler, and myself.
Very special thanks to my employer Kong, for sponsoring my work on LuaRocks over the last year and making this release possible. Thanks also to my colleagues Aapo Talvensaari and Enrique García Cota for helping out with some last-minute testing.
In the name of everyone in the LuaRocks development team, thank you for the continued amazing support that Lua community has been giving LuaRocks over the years: keep on rockin’!
🔗 When listing repeated things, make pyramids
Often, in code, we have to write lists of repeated things. For example, attribute initialization in Java constructors:
this.foo = foo;
or required modules in Lua:
local foo = require("foo")
There are a few different ways people stack these when they need to list a number of them: randomly, alphabetic, aligned… working on a codebase that has all these approaches in different modules, I realized that “pyramid” is best. Let’s compare a few examples:
This is what you end up doing if you don’t really think about it:
this.medium = medium; this.aLongOne = aLongOne; this.foo = foo; this.veryLongOne = veryLongOne; this.short = short;
⊖ ⊖ very bad to read - your eyes move back and forth horizontally and need to scan the whole thing vertically
⊕ easy to maintain - just add or remove entries arbitrarily
This is what you end up doing if you get annoyed about the order when writing. I did this for a while.
this.aLongOne = aLongOne; this.foo = foo; this.medium = medium; this.short = short; this.veryLongOne = veryLongOne;
⊖ bad to read - your eyes move back and forth horizontally, but it’s easy to scan vertically
⊕ easy to maintain - no question where a new entry should go
This is what you end up doing if you start to get annoyed when reading. Readability is more important than writability, after all!
this.aLongOne = aLongOne; this.foo = foo; this.medium = medium; this.short = short; this.veryLongOne = veryLongOne;
⊕ ⊕ very easy to read easy on the eyes horizontally, and if alphabetical it’s easy vertically as well
⊖ ⊖ very bad to maintain terrible for diffs, changes mess up `git blame` for unrelated lines
Finally, we get to the pyramid, which seems an ideal compromise keeping the advantages of an aligned list while avoiding its drawbacks:
this.veryLongOne = veryLongOne; this.aLongOne = aLongOne; this.medium = medium; this.short = short; this.foo = foo;
⊕ easy to read - easy on the eyes horizontally as the eyes follow the diagonal, and easy vertically as well as you usually know if you’re looking for a long or short word
⊕ easy to maintain - no question where entries go; you can use alphabetical order as a tie breaker for entries of same length
You can of course do the pyramid “ascending” or “descending”. I don’t really have a preference (and I couldn’t find any practical advantages to either yet).
In conclusion, it’s a silly little thing, but something that improves the ergonomics of the code and which I’ll try to adopt in my code more consistently from now on.
(PS: Of course, all of this applies to lists where the entries are not semantically related: when listing color components one would always do “red, green, blue”, and not “green, blue, red” :) )
🔗 Writing release announcement emails
Mailing lists are not exactly fashionable nowadays, but some of them remain relevant for some communities. The Lua community is one such example. As of 2017, a lot of what goes on in the Lua module development world still resonates in lua-l. With over 2500 subscribers, it’s a good way to kickstart interest in your new project.
Mailing list users tend to be somewhat pedantic about etiquette guidelines for posting, especially for announcements and the like. So, I usually follow this little formula for writing release announcement emails, which has been effective for me:
- Email subject - this is important; I use a format like “[ANN] MyProject x.y”
- Summary - The first paragraph explains what is the project
- Links and installation - Then a link to the project website, and a one-liner instruction of how to install it (that is, the incantation for the appropriate package manager — in the case of Lua,
luarocks install myproject
). More detailed instructions and documentation should be available from the project website. - Description - Finally, a more detailed description:
- If the announcement is for a new version of an existing project that was previously announced on the list, I include a summarized changelog, essentially “What’s new in version x.y:”
- If this is the first announcement of the project, then a longer description of how the project works. For Lua modules, for example, this may include a really short “hello-world”-type example for the library. This is information that should be in the README.md file for your repository, which in future announcements will be reachable via the link for the project website (often a Github repo URL) mentioned above.
- License - Users should be able to figure out the license of your project easily, so especially in new projects mentioning can be a good idea — but watch out if you’re using a license that’s not the majority option in a given community. You may be unnecessarily flamed for your choice by people who don’t even want to use your project in the first place. If you’re not going with the “majority license” (and remember, license choice is your call as an author, not the community’s) it might be a better idea to avoid mailing list noise and mention the license only in the project website and sources. The goal is not to hide it (interested people should find it easily; do mention it in your project’s README.md and include a LICENSE file) but just to avoid licensing flamewars. Of course, using the majority license has major pros, so if it’s all the same to you go with it, but if you’d prefer another one, don’t let yourself be bullied by a community into picking one free software license over another. It’s your freedom too!
- Be nice! - Finally, remember to sandwich all this technical info with greetings at the top, kudos to contributors, requests for help and feedback, etc. A mailing list is a social medium, after all. :)
An example of an upgrade announcement is here:
[ANN] LuaRocks 2.4.2
Hello, list! I'm happy to announce LuaRocks 2.4.2. LuaRocks is the Lua package manager. (For more information, please visit http://luarocks.org ) http://luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-2.4.2.tar.gz http://luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-2.4.2-win32.zip Those of you on Unix who are running LuaRocks as a rock (i.e. those who previously installed using `make bootstrap`) can install it using: luarocks install luarocks What's new since 2.4.1: * Fixed conflict resolution on deploy/delete * Improved dependency check messages * Performance improvements when removing packages * Support user-defined `platforms` array in config file * Improvements in Lua interpreter version detection in Unix configure script * Relaxed Lua version detection to improve support for alternative implementations (e.g. Ravi) * Plus assorted bugfixes and improvements This release contains commits by Peter Melnichenko, Robert Karasek and myself. As always, all kinds of feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you, enjoy! -- Hisham
An example of a new project announcement is here:
[ANN] safer - Paranoid Lua programming
Hi, Announcing yet another "strict-mode" style module: "safer". * http://github.com/hishamhm/safer Install with luarocks install safer # Safer - Paranoid Lua programming Taking defensive programming to the next level. Use this module to avoid unexpected globals creeping up in your code, and stopping sub-modules from fiddling with fields of tables as you pass them around. ## API #### `safer.globals([exception_globals], [exception_nils])` No new globals after this point. `exception_globals` is an optional set (keys are strings, values are `true`) specifying names to be exceptionally accepted as new globals. Use this in case you have to declare a legacy module that declares a global, for example. A few legacy modules are already handled by default. `exception_nils` is an optional set (keys are strings, values are `true`) specifying names to be exceptionally accepted to be accessed as nonexisting globals. Use this in case code does feature-testing based on checking the presence of globals. A few common feature-test nils such as `jit` and `unpack` are already handled by default. #### `t = safer.table(t)` Block creation of new fields in this table. #### `t = safer.readonly(t)` Make table read-only: block creation of new fields in this table and setting new values to existing fields. Note that both `safer.table` and `safer.readonly` are implemented creating a proxy table, so: * Equality tests will fail: `safer.readonly(t) ~= t` * If anyone still has a reference to this table prior to creating the safer version, they can still mess with the unsafe table and affect the safe one. About ----- Licensed under the terms of the MIT License, the same as Lua. During its genesis, this module was called "safe", but I renamed it to "safer" to remind us that we are never fully safe. ;) -- Hisham http://hisham.hm/ - @hisham_hm
Hope this helps!
🔗 The danger of simple examples
When discussing language syntax, people often resort to small examples using simple variables like foo
or x
, almost like “meta-syntactic variables”, i.e., to make clear these tokens are outside of the syntax under discussion.
One dangerous side-effect, though, is that these variables are always short and sweet. And syntax that works well with short variables doesn’t always work as well in real-world situations where they have to deal with the rest of the language.
Case the first
Recently we were discussing multiple assignment style in the Lua mailing list. Someone suggested this:
local a, b, c, d = e, f, g, h
…which makes the assignments “more parallel” than a single line and avoid writing lots of local
I think this a case where the over-simplified example is misleading.
With real-world looking variables, it would look more like
local cfg, constraints, module_name, initial_path = "default_config", {}, get_module_name(ctx), "/etc/myapp/default.config"
So yeah, It looks pretty with a, b, c
but in the real world with significant names, this becomes a pain to maintain, and when we stuff too much in a single line, diffs are harder to read.
Case the second
Things always look good in tiny examples with single-letter variables. Which brings me to a gripe I have with an often-suggested Lua idiom: the famous t[#t+1] = v
to append to arrays.
The reason why I think it’s so disengenious to defend t[#t+1] = v
as the preferred idiom for appending to an array is because it looks good with a single-letter variable and five-line tutorial examples, but in the real world we use nested tables. In the end, table.insert(my.nested[data], v)
is both more readable and avoids repetition:
- it’s one thing less to have a typo on
- one thing less to change
- and one thing less to get out of sync.
Note how it’s not even necessarily shorter: in this realistic example the variable name dominates the size of the statement:
table.insert(my.nested[data], val) my.nested[data][#my.nested[data] + 1] = val
Do I think table.insert
is too long? Yes I do, I wouldn’t mind having a shorter idiom (many were proposed in the Lua list over the years, most of them were fine, but I’m not getting into them because we risk delving into syntactic bikeshedding again, so let’s avoid that).
Do I think it’s worth it to add local tinsert = table.insert
to every program? No, I think this is worse than the t[#t+1] = v
idiom, because I hate having to guess which abbreviation the module author used to write a shorter table.insert
in their code (I’ve even seen local append = table.insert
in the wild!). And then again, the abbreviation doesn’t gain us much: being comfortable to read is more important than being comfortable to write, but being easy to maintain is just as important if not more.
And yes, it is important to ponder what are the differences between being “easy to read”, “easy to write” and “easy to maintain”. And when pondering those, watch out for misleading short variables in the examples!
Of course, some idioms are advisable specifically for when you have short variables:
local r, g, b = 0, 255, 0
Everyone can easily read what’s going on there. But note that, almost without noticing, I also used a realistic example here! Realistic examples help getting the discussion grounded, and I find that they are often lacking when discussing syntax.
PS: And before someone mentions, the performance gains for localizing such variables as local tinsert = table.insert
are overstated:
- When done at the top of modules they become upvalues and not true locals;
- Most of the modules I’ve seen doing this are far from being aimed at performance-intensive tasks that would warrant this kind of micro-optimization;
- Optimization advice changes between Lua implementations; while the cached local helps for interpreted Lua, it may actually hurt for LuaJIT. So just aim for clearer code. If you have an optimization problem you can measure and the local variable does bring a benefit, do it in a small scope, close to your performance-sensitive tight loop so that whoever is reading your code can understand what is going on.
🔗 On the word “latino”
One of my least-favorite American English words is “latino”, for two reasons:
First, a linguistic reason: because it’s not inflected when used. When you’re used to the fact that in Spanish and Portuguese “latino” refers only to men and “latina” only to women, hearing “latino woman” sounds really weird (weirder than, say, “handsome woman”). Even weirder “latino women”, mixing a Spanish/Portuguese word and English grammar. “Bonito girls”? :)
Second, a sociological reason: because using a foreign loanword reinforces the otherness. Nobody calls the Italian community in America “italiano”, although that’s their name in Italian. The alternative “Hispanic” is not ideal because it doesn’t really make sense when including Brazil, which was never a Spanish colony (plus, the colonial past is something most countries want to leave behind).
I can’t change the language by myself, so I just avoid the term and use more specific ones whenever possible (Colombians, Argentines, Brazilians, South Americans, Latin Americans when referring to people from the area in general, etc.)
After writing the above, I checked Wikipedia and it seems the communites in the US agree with me:
« In a recent study, most Spanish-speakers of Spanish or Hispanic American descent do not prefer the term “Hispanic” or “Latino” when it comes to describing their identity. Instead, they prefer to be identified by their country of origin. When asked if they have a preference for either being identified as “Hispanic” or “Latino,” the Pew study finds that “half (51%) say they have no preference for either term.”[43] A majority (51%) say they most often identify themselves by their family’s country of origin, while 24% say they prefer a pan-ethnic label such as Hispanic or Latino. Among those 24% who have a preference for a pan-ethnic label, “‘Hispanic’ is preferred over ‘Latino’ by more than a two-to-one margin—33% versus 14%.” Twenty-one percent prefer to be referred to simply as “Americans.” »
I think the awkwardness in the grammar from point one actually reinforces point two, because it strikes me as something that no Spanish or Portuguese native speaker would come up with by themselves. So it sounds tacked upon.
Don’t get me wrong, I fully identify as a Brazilian, a South American and a Latin American — travellling abroad helps a lot to widen your cultural identity! — and I have no problem when people wear the term “latino” proudly, but I always pay close attention to the power of language and how it represents and propagates ideas.
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