hisham hm

🔗 When listing repeated things, make pyramids

Often, in code, we have to write lists of repeated things. For example, attribute initialization in Java constructors:

this.foo = foo;

or required modules in Lua:

local foo = require("foo")

There are a few different ways people stack these when they need to list a number of them: randomly, alphabetic, aligned… working on a codebase that has all these approaches in different modules, I realized that “pyramid” is best. Let’s compare a few examples:


This is what you end up doing if you don’t really think about it:

this.medium = medium;
this.aLongOne = aLongOne;
this.foo = foo;
this.veryLongOne = veryLongOne;
this.short = short;

⊖ ⊖ very bad to read - your eyes move back and forth horizontally and need to scan the whole thing vertically
easy to maintain - just add or remove entries arbitrarily


This is what you end up doing if you get annoyed about the order when writing. I did this for a while.

this.aLongOne = aLongOne;
this.foo = foo;
this.medium = medium;
this.short = short;
this.veryLongOne = veryLongOne;

bad to read - your eyes move back and forth horizontally, but it’s easy to scan vertically
easy to maintain - no question where a new entry should go


This is what you end up doing if you start to get annoyed when reading. Readability is more important than writability, after all!

this.aLongOne    = aLongOne;
this.foo         = foo;
this.medium      = medium;
this.short       = short;
this.veryLongOne = veryLongOne;

⊕ ⊕ very easy to read easy on the eyes horizontally, and if alphabetical it’s easy vertically as well
⊖ ⊖ very bad to maintain terrible for diffs, changes mess up `git blame` for unrelated lines


Finally, we get to the pyramid, which seems an ideal compromise keeping the advantages of an aligned list while avoiding its drawbacks:

this.veryLongOne = veryLongOne;
this.aLongOne = aLongOne;
this.medium = medium;
this.short = short;
this.foo = foo;

easy to read - easy on the eyes horizontally as the eyes follow the diagonal, and easy vertically as well as you usually know if you’re looking for a long or short word
easy to maintain - no question where entries go; you can use alphabetical order as a tie breaker for entries of same length

You can of course do the pyramid “ascending” or “descending”. I don’t really have a preference (and I couldn’t find any practical advantages to either yet).

In conclusion, it’s a silly little thing, but something that improves the ergonomics of the code and which I’ll try to adopt in my code more consistently from now on.

(PS: Of course, all of this applies to lists where the entries are not semantically related: when listing color components one would always do “red, green, blue”, and not “green, blue, red” :) )


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